Colorado's 2025 Agenda Seems to Ignore Constitution Entirely

AP Photo/Philip Kamrass, File

Colorado has been a deeply blue state for quite some time now. It's a shame because it's a beautiful state, but it's also now so progressive in its politics as a state that you couldn't pay me to live there.


A dear friend of mine, an immigrant who came to the US in hopes of becoming a citizen and living in Colorado, moved away from the state because of the shift in politics. At least she still has her citizenship.

Now that we're in 2025, a lot of people are laying out their agenda for the new year. Colorado lawmakers aren't any different. It just seems that two key talking points revolve around ignoring the Constitution entirely.

The first 10 bills introduced in the state Senate on Wednesday show where Colorado Democrats' priorities lie for the 2025 session — and they indicate that, for the ruling party, responding to the Trump administration is a focal point.

President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn in on Jan. 20.


Senate Bill 3, sponsored by Gonzales, Sen. Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, and Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, toughens penalties in the law banning large-capacity ammunition magazines by regulating the manufacture and purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms, primarily those with detachable magazines. A statement from Senate Democrats said AR-15s, AK-47s, and other semi-automatic firearms available in Colorado remain compatible with attachable magazines that hold anywhere from 15 to 100 rounds of ammunition.

Now, Ranjit already broke down the problems with the so-called assault weapon ban bill talked about above, but the short version of it is that it basically bans any semi-auto with a detachable magazine, which is almost all of them.

That goes well beyond what anyone who understood case law on the subject of guns would reasonably consider constitutional.


But here's what gets me: A key point here is that the "ruling party"--an interesting turn of phrase for a majority party in a republic--plans on "responding" to the Trump administration. I guess they've never heard of the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.

If the Trump administration passes a law or enforces a federal law in a way that Colorado doesn't like, well, as long as he's not blatantly overreaching his authority--something we saw Biden do plenty but that Colorado had no issue with--then there's not much of a response they can offer. Not legally.

Sort of like how Missouri got smacked down for supposedly nullifying federal gun control regulations. Even there, they didn't try to negate it or "respond" to it so much as decide state and local cops wouldn't help enforce them.

Colorado was cool with that, but now they're going to "respond" to President Trump somehow and infringe on people's gun rights in such a profound and unconstitutional way.

At the end of the day, that's what I find oddly amusing. They're stomping on more than one aspect of the Constitution, all while pretending they're the upholders of truth, justice, and the American way.

Of course, the fact that people have to live under this, including many who vehemently oppose this nonsense, just makes it far less amusing for me.

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