Lesson #897,432 Why Gun Control Will NEVER Work

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

Not a day goes by without someone trying to claim that gun control really works and if we'd just enact enough restrictions, criminals wouldn't get guns in the first place.


Of course, we point and laugh at these people because idiocy deserves no better. 

Your general gun control advocate does not understand why we mock them because, obviously, they're moral beings totally concerned with mass shootings and the like, while we clearly don't because we don't bow down at their feet and acknowledge their mastery.

After all, alcohol control worked so well back during Prohibition, too, and drug control is why we don't have drug issues today.

Oh, wait.

 Multiple drugs and guns were recovered during an early morning narcotics operation in Andrews, officials said.

Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office narcotics unit and SWAT team executed a search warrant in the Andrews community where they recovered several firearms, money, and myriad drugs including approximately 300 grams of fentanyl, 81.6 grams of crack cocaine, 108.5 grams of cocaine, 82.6 grams of marijuana, and 2.14 grams of methamphetamine.

The guns appear to be an AK-style pistol, some version of an AR-15, and two handguns.

Now, let's think about things logically for a second. Drugs are very tightly controlled in this country, far more than guns are. Despite that, there's been a thriving black market for drugs and has been for decades. This despite the fact that none of these drugs can be purchased legally, if they can be purchased legally, without going to a specialized and licensed distributor (the pharmacy) with express, written permission to get a limited amount of the drug in question, and then it's tracked to make sure you're not getting more than you're supposed to.


Yet drugs are everywhere.

If guns were to be completely and totally banned tomorrow with police going door to door to take everyone's guns--and, in this imaginary world, no one resisted--then do you think the drug dealers would just stay disarmed?

Of course they wouldn't. The people providing the drugs would decide to make more money by also providing guns. Then some would sell to your corner crackhead so they can knock over a convenience store and get money for their drugs.

Meanwhile, it's the law-abiding who are screwed.

"But just because people will break the law doesn't mean we shouldn't have them, or are you saying that because murders still happen we shouldn't have laws against murder?"

This is a common enough argument, and it's a sign of some kind of developmental disability in anyone who makes such an argument.

Gun control laws only inhibit the actions of the law-abiding, which is one of many problems with them. You're never going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, just like we've never been able to keep drugs out of their hands or alcohol before that. 


But you can make it impossible for good, decent people to defend themselves.

It's long past time to stop this particular flavor of stupidity.

However, for the developmentally disabled among the gun control crowd, that's not something they can comprehend. They don't see previous failures as anything but evidence to try anyway, I guess.

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