Rapper 6ix9ine Claims Feds Seized Guns, Drugs During Probation-Check Raid

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Rap music has some...interesting personalities.

Criminality may not necessarily be higher in that genre of music than others, but I sure as hell see a lot more accounts of it from rappers than anyone else. That's not surprising considering how often criminal activities are part of the music itself.


Rapper 6ix9ine might be one with the longest rap sheet and the broadest array of criminal offenses, which include robbery, assault, racketeering, and the use of a child in a sexual performance.

Yeah, a fine, upstanding citizen, he ain't.

He's currently on probation, which he's violated more than once already, but it seems law enforcement wanted to check on him. According to the rapper, though, federal agents seized guns and drugs from his home.

6ix9ine has claimed that both guns and drugs have been seized from his home in Florida after a raid by federal agents.

Speaking to TMZ, the controversial rapper claims that authorities swarmed his house on Wednesday (March 12) and kept him in handcuffs for six hours.

The Brooklyn native also says DNA swabs were taken from the weapons and drugs and that his house was left wrecked from the raid.

Despite the findings, 6ix9ine claims that he has not been involved in any further illegal activity.

The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office confirmed that probation officers, as well as narcotics detectives, conducted a raid on the rapper’s property with a search warrant.

The Sheriff’s office claims that the raid was part of a probation check. They added further analysis is required on the confiscated items, although they did not confirm whether that included guns and drugs.


Now, the word that guns and drugs were seized comes from 6ix9ine himself, which seems bizarre. He's actually telling the press that he's committed multiple felonies that the police didn't arrest him for. Let's understand that he's a felon. He's been convicted of multiple felony charges over and over again, though he's spent remarkably little time in prison for his various crimes. Must be nice to have money.

I can't help but contrast this with the raid of another felon reportedly in possession of firearms that I wrote about recently.

I'm sorry, but while I tend to think that if people are going to be said to have paid their debt to society when they complete their sentences, the fact that this guy seems to be getting preferential treatment simply because he's rich and famous bugs me to no end. Let's also not forget that he flipped on his buddies when he realized he was looking at hard time, which would be fine if he'd taken it as a wakeup call.

Now, they found a bunch of guns and drugs in his house and he's out here telling the world that he's committing felonies.


Yeah, they could have belonged to someone else, but they're in his house. If it were you or me in this predicament, we'd have probably gone out the door with the seized items without any say in the matter thanks to the connected bracelets law enforcement would have put on us.

Maybe we'll find out more that will make this whole thing make sense. Considering he's a rapper, he might well be making stuff up to make himself look better or something. We'll have to see.

In the meantime, all I can do is shake my head.

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