Elderly Man Shoots Drunk In Zimmerman-Like Attack

Anyone familiar with the story of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin knows that the drug-abusing, gun-trafficking thug Martin came at Zimmerman from behind as Zimmerman was walking to his truck. Martin sucker-punched Zimmerman, mounted him, and attempted to murder Zimmerman before the neighborhood watch volunteer finally shot the thug Martin in self-defense.


We’re now getting word of a similar shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. An elderly man was doing yard work when was attacked by a drunken stranger. The attacked citizen was a law-abiding concealed carrier. He was sucker punched, knocked down, and was mounted by allegedly drunken stranger Lance Claunch, and eventually had to shoot Claunch to stop the attack.

Police responded to a call where a woman told them someone was acting oddly on her property – rolling around in the yard and pounding on her door. Another 911 caller said a man, who appeared to be very intoxicated, was hiding in one person’s bushes and knocking on another’s door.

While driving around the neighborhood after that call, officers said they found another person who told them he was looking for his “very intoxicated friend who was causing problems.”

Police said that’s when they heard gun shots.

When police got to the home they saw the homeowner applying pressure to a gunshot to Claunch’s neck. The homeowner, who is in his 70s, told police the man approached while he was doing yard work and punched him in the back of the head.

The homeowner said the man continued to beat him and even “mounted” him to hit him.

Officers said the homeowner was carrying a gun and fired a warning shot then fired another shot in the man’s neck. Doctors performed emergency surgery on Claunch, and at last check, it’s not clear if he is going to survive.


Lance Claunch clearly deserved his bullet, as Trayvon Martin did before him. You do not get to attack law-abiding citizens and attempt to beat them to death without facing the very-real risk that they might have a concealed handgun and ruin your attempted murder by putting one or more bullets into you.

Frankly, the gentleman who was attacked went well beyond what he should have done in attempting to save Claunch after this unprovoked attack. Many defensive firearms experts recommend keeping your distance from someone who just attempted to kill you, as they may either be feigning the extent of their injuries, may simply not care about their injuries and attempt to re-launch their attack once you’re in range.

It’s worth noting that this is not the first time we’ve covered an attack on someone who was minding their business and doing work on their own property when attacked by an opportunistic violent criminal.

Always carry your concealed weapon, folks. Bad guys aren’t going to be nice enough to tell you in advance that they’re coming.

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