Virginia Sees Decrease In Gun Sales, But Will It Last?

From Pixabay.

Should Americans become complacent when it comes to exercising their Second Amendment right merely because the country has a president that is supportive of gun owners in the White House?


The Associated Press has reported that, during President Trump’s first year in office, the state of Virginia saw a decrease in the number of firearms sold. The reason for the decline? The American people, Virginians in this case, feel that their right to bear arms is safe under the current administration. The AP states:

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Gun dealers in Virginia say firearms sales have fallen during President Donald Trump’s first year in office.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported Friday that fewer people are afraid the Republican administration will restrict gun sales.

Firearms purchases dropped 3.5 percent last year, falling below the record half-million mark set in 2016. Gun shops described the decline as a “hangover” following the panicked buying during the Democratic Obama administration.

The state also failed to see spikes in gun sales following last year’s mass shootings. In years past, Virginia firearms sales increased after such shootings because of the political demands for more gun control as well as public safety concerns.

In 2017, gun sales totaled 487,846. In 2016, that number was 505,722.

It may be safe to assume that the best marketing tool for gun stores and gun manufacturers are new gun control proposals from the political left. While the numbers may not make business owners happy, one can be pleased with the apparent mood of the country when it comes to firearm ownership. However, as Tom wrote earlier this month, 2017 was the second busiest year for gun buying.


In Virginia’s case, the state may see a spike in gun sales as Virginians elected a Democratic governor last November; who, during his campaign, was not shy about his plans to implement new gun control laws in the state. Currently, it appears that Gov. Northam’s gun control agenda is facing some roadblocks from Virginia’s Republican state senators. But that doesn’t mean the governor is going to give up pushing Democratic policies.

As the AP described, when “political demands for more gun control” arise, people will “panic” or be concerned that restrictive proposals will become law. With Gov. Northam calling the shots and pushing for more gun control, one would expect gun sales to rise.

Gun owners should capitalize on the supportive Second Amendment climate, rather than relax to find themselves caught off guard in the future.

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