CNN's Misleading Info Still Spreading Despite Changes

(AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, File)

On Tuesday, Cam smacked CNN down pretty hard over their report that Illinois sold more guns than everyone else. In fact, the reporting was actually kind of bad if you know anything about the numbers.


CNN eventually got the hint and changed their story. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the change isn’t universal. You see, a lot of other sites accept CNN as a news feed and repost stories on their site. The feed doesn’t have the new story, which means many local stations like WHTI-TV in Terra Haute, Indiana are still putting out false information.

No state has seen more gun sales this year than Illinois.

Federal authorities there have completed nearly 4.3 million gun background checks since January, including more than 955,000 submitted last month.

That’s more April gun background checks than the next five highest-ranking states combined.

Texas, which has more than twice the population of Illinois, came in second, with nearly 188,000 April background checks.

The NSSF says Illinois firearms purchases have been greatly inflated so far this year because many state residents who were looking to purchase guns at the beginning of the pandemic have only recently been able to do so. The delay was triggered by a backlog in the state’s Firearms Owner Identification system.

Illinois’ FOID Act, which requires gun purchasers to obtain a special ID from state police, was established in 1968, but the system was overwhelmed with requests a year ago when the pandemic fueled a national surge in first-time gun buyers.

“The Illinois State Police were inundated with applications for the FOID card,” said Dan Eldridge, owner of Maxon Shooter’s Supplies & Indoor Range in Des Plaines, Illinois, a popular gun store about 20 miles northwest of Chicago. “My attorney and his wife both filed in March of last year and got their FOID cards in the last two weeks.”

Eldridge said a surge in crime in Chicago has also led many to purchase firearms in his area. His biggest sellers recently have been semiautomatic handguns and AR-15s, weapons often used in high-profile mass shootings.

“We continue to sell everything that comes into the store within a couple of days,” Eldridge said. “When people that live in high crime areas hear a lot of talk and even legislative action to defund the police, it’s reasonable for them to take steps to protect themselves.”


Now, that’s the same nonsense Cam smacked around yesterday.

While there is some validity to what’s listed here, though, the facts are so absolutely wrong that anyone who pretends to be a professional journalist should be ashamed to have their name associated with this.

Yes, CNN has apparently corrected the story, but keep in mind that they still wrote and published this.

As Cam noted yesterday:

I wouldn’t be surprised if CNN  ends up just killing this story and disappearing it down the memory hole, but gun owners should keep their ignorance in mind the next time they report on anything having to do with our Second Amendment rights. The anti-gun bias of the talking heads on CNN is one thing, but the outright ignorance displayed by the CNN staff is just as bad… though arguably easier to correct if the network were to make it a priority.

This is a network that has devoted tons of coverage to the gun debate, all typically leaning in precisely one direction. You don’t even need a hint to guess it’s not our way, either. They’ve been blatant about their anti-gun bias.

However, they can’t seem to get these simple facts right nor can they make sure they’re right before pushing it out to legions of smaller outlets who are relying on CNN for vetted news.

Now, regardless of what CNN has done, that bad information still exists on the internet and is still presented as news. It’s likely they never bothered to alert these outlets that there was a problem with this story. They just like to pretend they never got it wrong in the first place.


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