House Dems Hold Roundtable on 'Nationwide Gun Emergency'

Daylight! Hangover! #facepalm" by whatleydude is marked with CC BY 2.0 DEED.

Anti-gun Democrats hate that they’re the minority in the House. That means there’s no chance of new anti-gun regulations being passed without at least some GOP support, which means those regulations are never going to be as comprehensive as they might like.


That isn’t going to stop them from trying to grandstand on the issue if at all possible, though. It never has and it never will.

Their latest effort is a roundtable discussion on the topic of a “national gun emergency” because, following the COVID lockdowns and the grasp for power during that whole thing, they love emergencies.

Yet there’s nothing here to suggest literally anything will come of it.

U.S. House Democrats held a roundtable forum Monday on changing U.S. gun laws following a recent mass shooting in Maine, where 18 people were killed. 

The top Democrat on the committee, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, invited witnesses to discuss gun violence solutions, and said that the gun industry lobby, the National Rifle Association and Republicans push back against gun reform.

“We’re going to examine the nationwide gun emergency that’s taking place, the endless rounds of gun violence and massacres that are plaguing our society,” Raskin said.

Some of those witnesses included gun safety advocates, educators, survivors of gun violence and people who seek to intervene in community violence.


In other words, it’s a witness list that seems guaranteed to produce only a certain set of potential solutions, none of which are going to be in keeping with the Second Amendment.

This isn’t the product of House Democrats’ desire to understand an issue and perhaps craft useful legislation. This is the product of their own self-delusion.

That’s clear from this quote:

“There is a light at the end of the tunnel with this issue,” Democratic Rep. Maxwell Alejandro Frost of Florida said. “The gun lobby is more afraid, now more than ever, as they see a multiracial, multigenerational army of Americans who are not willing to relent from the demand for common sense gun reform.”

Dude, literally no one is scared.

Sure, gun rights groups might sound alarmist during fundraising, but every group does that. It’s the only way to raise money.

And really, why would anyone be afraid of this supposed “multiracial, multigenerational army of Americans” when we know minorities and women are the fastest growing segments of the firearm industry’s growing customer base and that younger Americans are more and more embracing the Second Amendment instead of demanding unconstitutional regulations.


In other words, why would we fear this supposed “multiracial, multigenerational army of Americans” when we’ve clearly got our own?

But hey, they also seem to think they’re doing something with this round table, so the delusions are strong with this gang, that’s for sure.

What we do know, though, is that the people’s right to keep and bear arms is what it is and following Bruen, the opportunities to infringe on that right and get away with it are few and far between. Roundtable discussions won’t change that basic fact.

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