HuffPo Thinks It's Big News Trump Speaking at NRA Annual Meeting When He Can't Buy a Gun

AP Photo/Michael Wyke

While there might be questions about how much of an ally to the Second Amendment Donald Trump would be in a second go-around in the White House, the truth is that there's absolutely no universe in which he could be more of a problem than the current occupant of that building.


What's more, Trump has been a staple of the NRA Annual Meeting for a little while now. He's had close ties with the organization for a while, so it's not a shock to anyone that he's speaking at the meeting.

It's not a shock to anyone with any sense, at least.

Over at the Huffington Post, though, they seem to think there's an issue. I say that because their headline reads, "Donald Trump, Who Is Banned From Buying Firearms, To Address NRA."

And yes, they really do seem to think it's relevant.

Former President Donald Trump will address the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Dallas this weekend despite the fact that he is barred from buying firearms.

Trump currently faces a total of 88 felony counts in four separate indictments — including the trial now underway in a Manhattan court for allegedly falsifying business records to buy the silence of porn star Stormy Daniels just 12 days before the 2016 presidential election. Federal law bars those facing felony indictments from buying, transporting or receiving firearms or ammunition, but that law has faced legal challenges.

But Trump has long cultivated close ties with the NRA, whose membership is largely conservative. His appearance Saturday at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center will mark the ninth time that he has addressed NRA members at a major public gathering.


The NRA did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the decision to have a keynote speaker who is prohibited from buying guns. But a statement from Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA’s interim executive vice president and CEO, cast Trump as a target of politically motivated attacks. 


Whether they're politically motivated or not--and for my money, they do look that way--the truth of the matter is that Trump's current inability to purchase a gun is irrelevant. 

First, this is a temporary ban. He's facing felony charges, which makes him a prohibited person, but if he's acquitted, then that ban ceases to exist. It's not like he's convicted, and we tend to view people as innocent until proven guilty, so yeah, there are issues with prohibiting people from owning a gun simply because of charges filed against them.

It's even more of an issue when those charges are politically motivated.

Second, even if he's somehow convicted and becomes permanently prohibited, if he can still run for office and become president, his thoughts and opinions on the right to keep and bear arms are still relevant.

As for the NRA and Trump's prohibited status, let's just remember that one isn't required to be a gun owner to speak in favor of gun rights. One isn't required to have a firearm in their possession to step on stage at the NRA Annual Meeting. No one has to buy a gun as the cost of admission, either.

So all this is really about is trying to frame this as some kind of hypocrisy or something. Either that or maybe they want to plant the seeds for an argument that the NRA somehow supports criminals having guns.


I honestly don't know how they think this is a zing when it's nothing of the sort, especially at this moment.

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