FBI: Gun Owners Set New Gun-Buying Record in September


According to FBI statistics released on Monday, September had a record number of gun sales, the largest on record since November 1998. September was the 17th straight month that gun sales were up.


Based on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System(NICS) , almost 2 million guns were sold last month alone, bringing the running total in 2016 to a whopping 19.8 million… with four months and the holiday season to go.

“These statistics represent the number of firearm background checks initiated through the NICS,” a note on the FBI report cautioned. “They do not represent the number of firearms sold. Based on varying state laws and purchase scenarios, a one-to-one correlation cannot be made between a firearm background check and a firearm sale.”

The FBI uses the NICS to gauge just how strong gun activity is across the nation. It’s considered to be one of the most accurate ways of judging the number of gun purchases are made on a monthly basis.

“Sales of handguns and AR’s have been very strong for the past two months. Hunting rifles have been about average for this time of year,” said Scott Blick, a managing partner at Ammunition Depot. “Ammunition sales are definitely following that pattern with sales of 9mm ammo and .223 ammo being extremely strong.”


People are buying ammunition in bulk because of the possibility that come 2017, ammo will be more expensive and harder to find.

“Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s continued calls to erode Second Amendment rights have backfired,” said Alan Gottlieb, Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation. “There are now more homes with gun ownership and that number will continue to rise.”

Of course gun sales are up! Of course people are making a run on ammo! Gun owners are fearful of a President Hillary Clinton taking away our right to keep and bear arms. People are flocking to gun stores to make sure they’re stocked up on ammo and whatever additional firearms they can afford.

Think they finally get the picture that American citizens are armed and ready to fight a tyrannical government if need be?


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