Kamala Harris's Absolute Hypocrisy on 'Fundamental Freedoms'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I'm a liberty-minded kind of guy. I value my freedoms and truly believe that if I want to preserve mine, I have to preserve other people's, even if I don't agree with what they do with them. It's why I agree with the ACLU defending neo-Nazis marching in Skokie, Illinois. The group the defended is detestable and I'm no fan of the  ACLU's cherry-picking of freedoms to defend, but in that case, they got it right.


What bothers me is when a politician pays lip service to freedom, claims to protect it, when there is nothing in their history to even suggest it.

Enter one Vice President Kamala Harris.

It seems that she made a speech where she contradicted herself on just this topic.

Vice President Kamala Harris told Republicans to "bring it on" in what she described as a "fight for our most fundamental freedoms" as she spoke to the American Federation of Teachers on Thursday.

It was her latest stop in her whirlwind debut as the Democrats' likely presidential nominee after President Joe Biden abruptly dropped his bid for a second term at the beginning of the week.

Harris praised unions as the foundation of the middle class, and she criticized Republicans for their views on gun control and public education.

“They have the nerve to tell teachers to strap on a gun in the classroom while they refuse to pass commonsense gun safety laws," she said.

Harris added that “we want to ban assault weapons, and they want to ban books.”

Wait a minute.

First, no one is trying to "ban books." Saying you don't think certain books should be in school libraries is a far cry from saying you want them banned across the board. I get that not everyone agrees about removing them in schools, and they have a right to disagree, but there's a big difference between "banning books" and saying, "Maybe these books shouldn't be in this specific space."


Meanwhile, in her supposed "fight for our most fundamental freedoms," Harris openly calls for infringing on one of those fundamental freedoms.

That, boys and girls, is called hypocrisy.

See, Harris isn't just saying so-called assault weapons don't belong in specific places. She wants to ban them across the board--the very thing not happening to books, mind you--despite a particular amendment in the Bill of Rights saying you can't do that, and thinks she's fighting for fundamental freedoms? Seriously?

A note to the vice president: Our gun rights are fundamental freedoms. If you're going to claim that you're fighting for those, then that must include our right to keep and bear arms, and not just the guns that some people personally approve of. That's not how freedoms work. My freedom to do something cannot be beholden to the whims of anyone, especially elected officials who may have a nefarious and vested interest in denying me those rights.

Of course, Kamala Harris doesn't care about that. She doesn't actually care about anyone's fundamental freedoms. She cares about the "freedoms" the Democratic Party has pushed over the decades, which includes a lot of things that aren't freedoms at all, including gun control.


Honestly, I'd have injured myself laughing at her remarks were it not for the fact that so many people take her seriously.

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