The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right, one given to us by virtue of being free men and women, as all people should be. You cannot be stripped of this right in this country without due process of law. Yet there's an issue. While people get their freedom back for most crimes, they often can't get their gun rights back at all.
And now, as it's being suggested that President Donald Trump may restore the gun rights for some people, Brady is absolutely losing their ever-loving minds.
In fact, they've created a petition that takes issue with the possibility.
President Trump’s Department of Justice is poised to restore gun rights for prohibited purchasers on a massive scale — including domestic abusers, gun traffickers, and individuals with felony convictions. This deadly move undermines public safety in pursuit of MORE profits for the gun industry.
"Lives are on the line," they claim, begging people to sign the petition.
Honestly, it's kind of hysterical, if you ask me.
First, a petition won't do anything at all except signal that there's some kind of opposition to what is being claimed here. Since this is at Brady's site, we know who will be signing it, and I'm sure the Trump administration is already aware of who will oppose this.
But what irks me here is that I can't see where they're getting this claim at all.
Yes, headlines got made when Elizabeth Oyer said she was fired for refusing to put Mel Gibson's name on a list of people who may get their gun rights restored, and Gibson has a charge of domestic violence, but he's just one guy. Oyer suggests there were other names, of course, but nothing about doing any such thing "on a massive scale" of any sort, much less including people like violent felons.
So what gives?
Well, first, it's Brady. This is an organization that chose Kris Brown to lead it, so they're not exactly loaded up on mental giants in the first place. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that they think the whole Mel Gibson claim has everything to do with him just being a big name and pretty much everyone is going to get their gun rights back without any additional evidence.
Then there's the fact that any online petition also happens to harvest names and email addresses of people who happen to be open to gun control. This will undoubtedly include a lot of new names that Brady can then pump for donations to their anti-gun jihad.
But there's also a lot of dishonesty at work here. While I just mentioned Brady probably doesn't have anyone who would be considered the smartest person in the room anywhere short of a special education class, and maybe not even then, it's also likely someone somewhere in that organization knows better and said nothing.
They know that this isn't really a threat. They're lying to gin up outrage and support for their agenda.
Especially since many Brady supporters want felons voting, but don't want them to be able to own a gun. They'll say they paid their debt to society, but then demand that they keep paying it indefinitely.
Now, I get not everyone would be comfortable with a blanket restoration of gun rights for everyone the moment they get out of prison. My own take is that if they're still a danger, they should remain locked up, but that's just me. Yet I also doubt that's what's on the table. Instead, even if there were some effort at mass rights restoration, not every felon will be created equally.
I suspect violent felons will remain disarmed, at least for a while. Non-violent felons aren't the issue and never were, so they'd be at the top of the list. Domestic abusers might be on the list, but only if they've gone without any charges over a number of years which show they've reformed to some degree.
But again, this is hypothetical because there's no effort to do any such thing that I can find, and I looked.
Brady used to be the name in gun control. Now, they're more laughable than Shannon Watts trying to act like a firearm expert.