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Stag Arms
Connecticut Gun Company Moving West To Wyoming And Freedom
Cam Edwards
5:00 PM | November 19, 2019
Another Gun Manufacturer Is Leaving An Anti-Gun State
Tom Knighton
8:00 PM | June 10, 2019
Stag Arms Boots Owner, Pays Huge Fine For "Lost" Machine Guns
Bob Owens
7:47 AM | May 18, 2016
So What Happened At Stag Arms?
Bob Owens
10:31 AM | January 25, 2016
Anti-Gunners Clutching Pearls Over Trump's 2A Executive Order
NRA Takes Shot at Outrage Over Tax Dollars No Longer Going for Anti-Gun Advocacy
Mexican President Threatens Gun Makers If Trump Declares Cartels 'Terrorists'
AG Bondi Fires ATF General Counsel
STAG DOWN: Feds Revoke AR-15 Manufacturer's License For Sloppy Record-Keeping
Bob Owens
1:54 PM | December 22, 2015
Stag Arms Raided by ATF For Stupidity, Not Criminal Enterprise
Bob Owens
10:35 AM | May 19, 2015
Rumor Control: No, Stag Arms Is Not Closing
Bob Owens
2:29 PM | September 05, 2014
DRIVING THEM SOUTH: Mossberg Is The Latest Company Shift Jobs Out Of Anti-Liberty Connecticut
Bob Owens
9:54 PM | July 14, 2014
Is There A Penalty For Operating Gun Companies "Behind Enemy Lines?"
Bob Owens
3:53 PM | June 26, 2014
SOUTHERN CHARMED: PTR Industries Finds Room To Grow After Fleeing Anti-Gun Connecticut
Bob Owens
4:41 PM | May 20, 2014
To protect the living: Clackamas Mall, one year later
Bob Owens
11:57 AM | December 11, 2013
Horry County, SC, sending reps to SHOT Show to see if the can get the rest of the industry to move there.
Bob Owens
10:09 AM | October 17, 2013
Ithaca Gun Company brings 120 jobs to South Carolina
Bob Owens
9:11 AM | October 17, 2013
Washington Post shocked that gun companies were serious about leaving anti-gun states
Bearing Arms Staff
3:00 PM | September 10, 2013
PTR finalizes agreement to move to SC. Is Stag Arms far behind?
Bearing Arms Staff
1:28 PM | September 06, 2013
Is Stag Arms the next gun company to ditch anti-gun Connecticut?
Bearing Arms Staff
7:00 AM | August 22, 2013
Don't Want Gun Manufacturers? South Dakota Will Take Them!
John Spartan
2:05 PM | August 05, 2013
Fed Up By CT Guns Law, PTR Industries Will Relocate To South Carolina
Corbin Spiegel
4:30 PM | June 20, 2013
Is Ruger ideologically pure enough?
Richard L Johnson
6:08 PM | May 25, 2013
PTR Industries Leaving CT; Other Firms Seen Likely to Follow
Joe Tartaro
11:10 AM | May 23, 2013
Thanks, Obama: U.S. Firearms and Ammunition Production Reaches All-Time High
Leah Barkoukis
1:27 PM | February 27, 2013
Stag Arms Facing Uncertainty as Gun Debate Continues
Bearing Arms Staff
10:31 AM | February 26, 2013
Nutmeg State firearms workers speak out for their industry, jobs
Neil McCabe
3:18 PM | February 25, 2013
2012 NSSF SHOT Show: A look back
Neil McCabe
7:45 AM | January 24, 2012