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Stag Arms
Connecticut Gun Company Moving West To Wyoming And Freedom
Cam Edwards
5:00 PM | November 19, 2019
Another Gun Manufacturer Is Leaving An Anti-Gun State
Tom Knighton
8:00 PM | June 10, 2019
Stag Arms Boots Owner, Pays Huge Fine For "Lost" Machine Guns
Bob Owens
7:47 AM | May 18, 2016
So What Happened At Stag Arms?
Bob Owens
10:31 AM | January 25, 2016
Sig Sauer's Response to P320 Controversy Not Covering Company in Glory
Canadian Artist's Latest Exhibit Blasts America's Lack of Gun Control
Armed Citizen Intervenes and Takes Down Gunman at Auto Parts Store
Op-Ed Takes Shot at Colorado's Proposed Permit-to-Purchase for 'Assault Weapons' Bill
STAG DOWN: Feds Revoke AR-15 Manufacturer's License For Sloppy Record-Keeping
Bob Owens
1:54 PM | December 22, 2015
Stag Arms Raided by ATF For Stupidity, Not Criminal Enterprise
Bob Owens
10:35 AM | May 19, 2015
Rumor Control: No, Stag Arms Is Not Closing
Bob Owens
2:29 PM | September 05, 2014
DRIVING THEM SOUTH: Mossberg Is The Latest Company Shift Jobs Out Of Anti-Liberty Connecticut
Bob Owens
9:54 PM | July 14, 2014
Is There A Penalty For Operating Gun Companies "Behind Enemy Lines?"
Bob Owens
3:53 PM | June 26, 2014
SOUTHERN CHARMED: PTR Industries Finds Room To Grow After Fleeing Anti-Gun Connecticut
Bob Owens
4:41 PM | May 20, 2014
To protect the living: Clackamas Mall, one year later
Bob Owens
11:57 AM | December 11, 2013
Horry County, SC, sending reps to SHOT Show to see if the can get the rest of the industry to move there.
Bob Owens
10:09 AM | October 17, 2013
Ithaca Gun Company brings 120 jobs to South Carolina
Bob Owens
9:11 AM | October 17, 2013
Washington Post shocked that gun companies were serious about leaving anti-gun states
Bearing Arms Staff
3:00 PM | September 10, 2013
PTR finalizes agreement to move to SC. Is Stag Arms far behind?
Bearing Arms Staff
1:28 PM | September 06, 2013
Is Stag Arms the next gun company to ditch anti-gun Connecticut?
Bearing Arms Staff
7:00 AM | August 22, 2013
Don't Want Gun Manufacturers? South Dakota Will Take Them!
John Spartan
2:05 PM | August 05, 2013
Fed Up By CT Guns Law, PTR Industries Will Relocate To South Carolina
Corbin Spiegel
4:30 PM | June 20, 2013
Is Ruger ideologically pure enough?
Richard L Johnson
6:08 PM | May 25, 2013
PTR Industries Leaving CT; Other Firms Seen Likely to Follow
Joe Tartaro
11:10 AM | May 23, 2013
Thanks, Obama: U.S. Firearms and Ammunition Production Reaches All-Time High
Leah Barkoukis
1:27 PM | February 27, 2013
Stag Arms Facing Uncertainty as Gun Debate Continues
Bearing Arms Staff
10:31 AM | February 26, 2013
Nutmeg State firearms workers speak out for their industry, jobs
Neil McCabe
3:18 PM | February 25, 2013
2012 NSSF SHOT Show: A look back
Neil McCabe
7:45 AM | January 24, 2012