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Walther Recalls Some PPS M2s. Is Yours Impacted?
Tom Knighton
10:00 AM | November 20, 2018
Walther Rewards Loyal Customers With $100 Rebate on Select Handguns
Jenn Jacques
12:22 PM | May 31, 2017
Walther Recalls CCP Over Drop-Fire Concerns. Here's What You Need to Know!
Jenn Jacques
11:19 AM | March 22, 2017
Nervous About Purchasing Your First Gun? Approach It Like a New Pair of Shoes.
Jenn Jacques
4:24 PM | March 03, 2017
Anti-Gunners Clutching Pearls Over Trump's 2A Executive Order
Mexican President Talking Tough Following Trump's Declaration on Cartels
GOA Thrilled with Patel's Confirmation
California City Takes Aim at Potential Gun Shops
The Bearing Arms Against Domestic Violence Campaign
Jenn Jacques
7:26 AM | October 03, 2016
Shooting The Walther PPS M2
Bob Owens
7:16 PM | February 25, 2016
Hickok45 LOVES The PPQ 45
Bob Owens
12:01 PM | January 16, 2016
Walther CCP Vs. Glock 43
Bob Owens
9:39 AM | September 19, 2015
Most Ergonomic 9mm Single Stack Pistol: Walther CCP
Bob Owens
6:57 PM | July 25, 2015
Shooting The Walther MPL Subgun
Bob Owens
8:18 PM | July 10, 2015
An Enemy Foreign And Domestic
Bob Owens
3:43 PM | May 07, 2015
Officer Armed With Pistol Killed Two Jihadis With Body Armor, Rifles
Bob Owens
3:18 PM | May 04, 2015
Homeland Security Secretary Confirms Need For Regular Concealed Carry
Bob Owens
11:57 AM | February 22, 2015
A Gun Ownership Primer: Holsters and Accessories, Part 2
Mike McDaniel
6:59 AM | January 26, 2015
A Gun Ownership Primer: Holsters and Accessories, Part 1
Mike McDaniel
8:45 AM | January 19, 2015
A Gun Ownership Primer: Cartridge Choice, Part 2
Mike McDaniel
7:52 AM | January 12, 2015
AFTERSHOCK: Dash-Cam Captures Emotional Trauma of Officer-Involved Shooting
Bob Owens
11:28 AM | January 10, 2015
The Cup Song... With Guns!
Bearing Arms Staff
5:08 PM | January 03, 2015
A Gun Ownership Primer: Revolver or Semiauto? Part 2
Mike McDaniel
9:45 AM | December 29, 2014
A Gun Ownership Primer: Revolver or Semiauto? Part 1
Mike McDaniel
12:27 PM | December 22, 2014
"Glock Killers," The Army Modular Handgun System, and Silly Shooting Tests
Bob Owens
5:49 PM | October 21, 2014
Trio of College Football Players Lucky They Weren't Shot To Death In Fake Drive-by
Bob Owens
12:51 PM | October 08, 2014
Cursed With Failing Federal Security, Smart Gun Owners Are Upgrading Their Concealed Carry.
Bob Owens
10:51 AM | October 08, 2014
Gunsite 250 Pistol: Getting Back Into The Fight
Bob Owens
2:29 PM | September 12, 2014
Gunsite: Brilliance in the Basics
Bob Owens
5:30 PM | September 02, 2014
Why Mine Is A Nine
Bob Owens
12:35 PM | July 18, 2014
hickok45: Walther PPX Review
Bearing Arms Staff
5:39 PM | May 15, 2014
"Why Are Folks Buying Silencers?"
Bob Owens
10:46 AM | April 23, 2014
sootch00 reviews the Walther PPQ
Bearing Arms Staff
5:47 PM | March 03, 2014
Gawker creates fake history of world's most popular centerfire pistol cartridge in a shockingly inept political attack
Bob Owens
8:03 AM | February 05, 2014
The Barrett effect: it's time to stop selling firearms to government agencies in California
Bob Owens
11:13 AM | January 22, 2014
SHOT Show 2014: Winners & Losers
Bob Owens
12:59 PM | January 19, 2014
SHOT Show 2014 Media Day at the Range: A rifleman's paradise
Bob Owens
9:25 AM | January 14, 2014
hickok45 reviews the Walther PPQ
Bob Owens
3:23 PM | December 14, 2013
The best .22 pistol? An examination of modern rimfire pistols
Richard L Johnson
2:34 PM | December 08, 2013
What Happens When You Shoot A Bullet Proof Vest? We Test Engarde Body Armor With Malice
Tom McHale
10:20 AM | November 04, 2013
And you thought the American media stunk on guns
Bob Owens
7:47 AM | October 28, 2013
Campaigning for McAuliffe in VA, Bloomberg's PAC lies about the "gun show loophole"
Bob Owens
7:59 AM | October 23, 2013
hickok45 gets his hands on a WWII P38
Bob Owens
2:34 PM | October 02, 2013
Plinking: The American Shooting Sport
John Markwell
2:26 PM | August 06, 2013
Best .380 guns
Richard L Johnson
6:05 AM | April 15, 2013
New Guns for the New Year
Richard L Johnson
8:03 PM | January 12, 2013
NASGW preview of new guns, ammo rolling out soon
Richard L Johnson
5:45 PM | November 11, 2012
George Washington Bacon III, MACV-SOG Operator, CIA Para-Military Officer, and eccentric genius
Jack Murphy
7:45 AM | June 05, 2012
Tea Party Movement Will Grow Until the Politicians Behave
Raquel Okyay
7:45 AM | October 11, 2011
The Ultimate Pocket Holster
3:15 AM | September 28, 2011
Daddy, Can You Teach Me How to Shoot?
7:45 AM | September 06, 2011
Unusual Handguns
Bearing Arms Staff
7:45 AM | August 09, 2011
Face-off with a Wild Boar
7:22 AM | June 21, 2011
"Armed Senior Citizen" - Six Defensive, Emergency Rescue Tools That Could Save Your Life
3:01 AM | May 03, 2011